Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beginnings ? well i guess !

Been so long since I've blogged.
Wow. In fact I'd forgotten about this one since I started it as a 23 Things assignment.
Wow2. I've learned a bunch since then, wonder if I should pursue the next 23 things?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

#9 Revisited library blogs/newsfeeds

I set up my own Bloglines account.
I searched Bloglines to find a couple of library related RSS feeds.
I subscribed to ShiftedLibrarian and Library Journal.

First, you need a "feed reader".
Once you've obtained a feed reader,(Bloglines) subscribing to an RSS feed is as simple as looking for the appropriate XML code. Most websites that publish an RSS feed will display a tiny orange box or button labeled "RSS" or "XML."
Click the button and your web browser typically goes to a page of cryptic code. Just copy the Web "address" or URL of that page and plug it into your feed reader. The software will then automatically retrieve and display that site's latest information.

I'm ready to subscribe to a few more,
some library related, some personal.
I know this will keep me better informed and will save time checking web sites:)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

#23 Is this the End - naw...just another beginning

I think this has been an awesome experience!
It has been a very useful staff development project.
Our dept. looks forward to participating in the library wiki, partly because of all we've learned thru these exercises.

I've decided to continue on with 2.1, at least reviewing the exercises.
I've found that I knew a bit about each "thing" we encountered,
but now have a much greater understanding and ability to actually "use" the resources. And the resources are Free!

Mostly I like the fact that Library 2.0 continues.
Just like software releases, there's always a new update !

#22 Face to Face: Social Networking

I know a bit more about Facebook now that I've explored.
I might even give it a try.
It would be great to link with others either geographically or with like interests.
OF course it could have library applications!
Wouldn't it be a good way to network - find other librarians looking to find other librarians?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

#20 YouTube

Well aren't there a zillion of these on the web !
Thank goodness for search engines - how would you find one on purpose !

#21 Podcasts

Way cool!
Checked out and postcastnet.
both were very easy to use.
I found a great podcast "learn spanish on your coffee break"!
I think training type podcasts would be a great use to libraries :)