Wednesday, June 20, 2007

#4 Week 2

Think I may have to get some help:)
This happens to me sometimes.....I get enthusiastic, all pumped about learning new skills,
begin easily, make good progress, even begin implementing the learned skill into routines.....then.....
frustration begins as I want to move quickly and learn it "all"!
Common thought ....."I know there has to be an easier way to make this ......"
I want to "make it pretty", organize clearly, how does it compare with others,
When is good enough.. really enough?

#2 and #3 Week 1 1/2

I think #7, Teaching/mentoring others, comes easiest for me.
When I'm teaching or training others, I feel competent and useful.
Next, following closely is #2, Accepting Responsibilty for my own learning.
Of course it is my responsibility!

Registered my blog.

#1 Intro Week 1

Been thinking about the this moment I think the hardest of the 7 1/2 things for me is #6, Using technology to my advantage.

I appreciate that this learning experience has been made available to us in this 'group' way.
I know it's best to "use" the technology while or especially right after learning a new skill.
This tool works perfectly for that, doesn't it?